Bluerock Homes Trust Style And Media Guide

We created the building blocks for communicating Bluerock Homes Trust’s (“BHM”) Brand Identity in a unified visual system we call the Style Guide. Comprised of core elements including logo, color and type, this guide is designed to facilitate our partnership through design expression. To effectively define the brand experience, these core elements must be aligned across every touchpoint.

Color Palette: Primary Formulas

Each color is accompanied by its Pantone®, CMYK, RGB and Hexadecimal values to facilitate accurate reproduction across all media types. All color builds are based off the coated version of each spot color.


Pantone® 540 C
C 100 M 57 Y 12 K 66
R 0 G 48 B 87
Web HEX #003057


Pantone® 542 C
C 60 M 19 Y 1 K 4
R 123 G 175 B 212


Pantone® Cool Gray 10 C
C 40 M 30 Y 20 K 66
R 99 G 102 B 106
Web HEX #63666A

Typography: Web (Google Fonts)

Roboto is on-screen safe fonts used in BLUEROCK website environments. As a Google Font, it facilitates faster site performance than custom-installed web fonts and allows users to view content as they were designed to closely match BLUEROCK’s Primary Typography used in printed materials.

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog

H1 / Color: #003057 / Font Family: Roboto / Font Size: 40px / Line Height: 48px / Text Transform: Capitalize / Font Weight: 800 Extra Bold

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog

H2 / Color: #7BAFD4 / Font Family: Roboto / Font Size: 32px / Line Height: 40px / Text Transform: Capitalize / Font Weight: 800 Extra Bold

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog

H3 / Color: #63666A / Font Family: Roboto / Font Size: 32px / Line Height: 40px / Text Transform: Capitalize / Font Weight: 800 Extra Bold

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog

H4 / Color: #003057 / Font Family: Roboto / Font Size: 24px / Line Height: 32px / Text Transform: Capitalize / Font Weight: 800 Extra Bold

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog

H5 / Color: #7BAFD4 / Font Family: Roboto / Font Size: 24px / Line Height: 32px / Text Transform: Capitalize / Font Weight: 800 Extra Bold

The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog

H6 / Color: #63666A / Font Family: Roboto / Font Size: 16px / Line Height: 24px / Text Transform: Capitalize / Font Weight: 800 Extra Bold


Body / Color: #63666A / Font Family: Roboto / Font Size: 16px / Line Height: 1.5em / Font Weight: Normal / Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer lacinia turpis eu diam gravida eleifend. Phasellus sed libero non felis ultrices porttitor. Cras tellus ligula, accumsan consectetur purus id, suscipit accumsan nunc. Quisque interdum, risus ut imperdiet blandit, velit ligula porta ligula, tempor laoreet massa elit nec lorem. Suspendisse augue nisl, pellentesque vel purus ac, pharetra viverra orci.

  • Curabitur at urna eget mauris elementum dictum.
  • Etiam ut metus a odio suscipit imperdiet.
  • Phasellus vel lacus gravida, ullamcorper nisi id, lacinia dui.

Text Link / Color: #7BAFD4 / Hover Color: #003057 / Font Family: Roboto / Font Size: 16px / Line Height: 1.5em / Font Weight: Normal / Text Decoration: None / Vivamus neque metus, aliquam ut lorem quis, facilisis rhoncus orci. Aenean vehicula sodales dolor a pretium. Proin auctor, urna id finibus venenatis, quam nunc semper tellus, vel convallis lorem nisi sed nunc. In ut odio a lorem viverra mattis facilisis a elit.

  1. Curabitur at urna eget mauris elementum dictum.
  2. Etiam ut metus a odio suscipit imperdiet.
  3. Phasellus vel lacus gravida, ullamcorper nisi id, lacinia dui.


The Bluerock Homes Trust logo represents the core managing company for all of the products and services. The Bluerock Homes Trust logo should be represented on all marketing materials as a pre-cursor or in the footer of the piece.