A Share: TIPRX / C Share: TIPPX / I Share: TIPWX / L Share: TIPLX / M Share: TIPMX
Bluerock Fund Advisor has engaged the world’s largest asset advisor² — Mercer Investments, LLC to advise on the private equity securities investments of the Fund.
Gross Asset Value
Weighted Average Loan-to-Value6
Underlying Portfolio Data as of 3.31.2024
The Fund provides exposure to institutional private equity real estate (iPERE) securities alongside some of the nation’s largest endowment and pension plans. Below is a sample of the Institutional Investors of the Underlying Holdings.
Source: Mercer Investments, LLC as of March 2023. Mercer’s Assets Under Advisement are derived from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, third-party custodians or investment managers, regulatory filings, and client self-reported data. Mercer’s Assets Under Management include Mercer Investments LLC and global affiliates and may differ from regulatory filings
Mercer Real Estate Strategies: Mercer Investments, LLC’s real estate strategies and rankings maintained in their proprietary Global Investment Manager Database (GIMD). Strategies include all worldwide public and private, equity and debt, core, core plus, value-add, opportunistic, private and public securities and fund of funds that contain real estate-related strategies as part of the investment offerings.
1 The term ‘highly-rated’ refers to Institutional Investment Funds screened, reviewed and rated by Mercer Investments, LLC’s proprietary due diligence process.
2 Rankings provided by Preqin.com
3 Source: Source: Mercer Investments, LLC as of 12.31.2023. Mercer’s Assets Under Advisement are derived from a variety of sources, including, but not limited to, third-party custodians or investment managers, regulatory filings, and client self-reported data. Mercer’s Assets Under Management include Mercer Investments LLC and global affiliates and may differ from regulatory filings. Where available, the AUA Data is provided as of the date indicated. Mercer has not independently verified the AUA data. The AUA Data includes assets of clients that have engaged Mercer to provide project-based services, as well as assets of clients that subscribe to Mercer’s Manager Research database – MercerInsight. 17 Mercer Real Estate Strategies: Mercer Investments, LLC’s real estate strategies and rankings maintained in their proprietary Global Investment Manager Database (GIMD). Strategies include all worldwide public and private, equity and debt, core, core plus, value-add, opportunistic, private and public securities and fund of funds that contain real estate-related strategies as part of the investment offerings.
4 Mercer Real Estate Strategies: Mercer Investments, LLC’s real estate strategies and rankings maintained in their proprietary Global Investment Manager Database (GIMD). Strategies include all worldwide public and private, equity and debt, core, core plus, value-add, opportunistic, private and public securities and fund of funds that contain real estate-related strategies as part of the investment offerings.
5 Occupancy rates reported from underlying managers, average is the simple average of all private funds. Generally excludes properties under construction, but generally includes properties in lease-up.
6 Weighted average loan to value: outstanding loan balance divided by the total value of the underlying real estate.
Data presented regarding the Fund Advisor, Sub-Advisors and underlying portfolio is current as of 12.31.2023. This is an actively managed portfolio. There is no guarantee that any investment (or this investment) will achieve its objectives, goals, generate positive returns, or avoid losses.
For a detailed list of current holdings, please visit Investment Holdings webpage.